German García Family
Elena, her husband German and their four-year-old son, German Jr. have moved into their newly built Habitat home just a month and a half ago. German is a policeman and Elena is currently a homemaker.
The family has wanted a home of their own for several years. Elena shared with us, “we wanted a home of our own because we wanted a space for our son to grow that was ours and where we would not spend all our funds on rent.” Her favorite thing about the new house is “everything” Elena says, “it took just one month to built the house and we are very happy with how it looks now,” the couple even have plans to paint the house once they save a bit more money to do so.
Elena has many memories of the volunteers, saying, “they were very kind. I remember from the first moment that they were very caring. When they left, I was very sad, they are very good people.” The family send this heartfelt message, to the group that came to help them: “thanks to your help, the house went up quickly and we hope and wish you so much success. I talk to my husband about how grateful I am. My son also remembers you always and asks about you. I hope that God blesses you and that you know that we always carry you in our hearts.”