Saulo Alonzo – Bryan College – Jane Sherman
Saulo (32), his wife, Rocío (28), and their two girls, Alisson (6), and Gabriela (2), are now living in their new Habitat home in San Juan Ostuncalco, Quetzaltenango. Saulo works as a credit advisor and Mirna works in a pharmacy.
Before partnering with Habitat Guatemala, the family used to live in Saulo’s parents house: one small room for the four of them. “It was hard to decide to start building our house. I had plans to migrate to the United States to work. Then, I was given a job here and we could afford this piece of land. So, my wife and I decided to build, whiel our girls are still little,” explains Saulo.
The family found out about the opportunity through one of Habitat Guatemala’s promoters, “I have known Santos for a while now. He talked to me about the programs and requirements. That is why we decided to jump into this adventure!” shares Saulo.
When asked how they feel with their new home, Saulo answers, “We feel happy! We are in a nicer environment, we are comfortable. Everyone has their own space; we also have the opportunity to harvest here.”
In the future, the family is planning to add ceramic floor and doors to each room. What they enjoy the most as a family in their new home is, “We play with the girls and as a family we like to exercise! So on the weekends, we play inside, play in the backyard and also go for long walks,” mentions Saulo.
“As a family our lives have changed a lot, now that we are living in our home. Our prime motivation are our daughters.”
When asked about the time shared with the volunteers Saulo recalls, “They worked really hard! It was a great experience. They came here solely to help us, without asking for anything in return,” he continues, “as a family, we would like to follow your example in the future.”
“We are very grateful to each one of you. We send our greetings! We hope that you will continue supporting and helping other people. May God bless you.”