Isabel Hernández Pablo – Home for a Home

Doña Isabel (67) lives with her husband Santiago (65) and Isabel’s mother in  the community of Sacchim, San Sebastian, Department of Huehuetenango. Don Pablo works in the fields, while Isabel stays home and weaves traditional clothes.

With the support of Home for a Home and Habitat Guatemala, the Gregorio family received an extra room, a smokeless stove and a sanitary latrine. This helps them improve their living conditions by giving them more room to sleep, an adequate access to proper sanitation and a smokeless free environment. When the family found out about this project, they knew it was a great opportunity to improve their family’s quality of life.

Before receiving their housing solutions the family occupied one room that was used to sleep and cook using an open fire pit. The construction was made from adobe bricks, a dirt floor and metal corrugated sheets as the roof. “We feel better with our new room because it is warmer. We no longer suffer from the cold.”

Regarding their old stove, Isabel shares: “The old stove was in poor conditions, making my eyes red. The new stove is working fine! We no longer use much wood and the smoke goes outside.”  The family reported an improvement with their new latrine too as their old one was in poor condition and had been in use for over 15 years.

Isabel finishes by sharing a message to our donors: “Thank you to everyone who has supported us! Receive our greetings. During these difficult times, there are not many people who are so generous. We appreciate their kind gensture.”



Juan Mata – Home for a Home

Juan (65) lives with his wife Josefa (61) and their children Juan Carlos (23), Angélica (23), Catalina (19) and baby Esneider (1 month) in the community of Sacchim, San Sebastian, Department of Huehuetenango. Juan and Juan Carlos work in agriculture, while the women take care of the different household chores.

With the support from Home for a Home and Habitat Guatemala, the Mata family received an extra room, a smokeless stove and a latrine. These solutions helped improve their living conditions by providing them with proper sanitation and a smokeless free environment.

Before receiving their housing solutions, the family slept in one room. Their house was made with made from adobe brick walls, dirt flooring and straw roofing. “The new room is working well for us. We no longer feel cold, the house keeps us warm and we feel happy with it. We have been living in the old house for over 35 years.”

Regarding their old stove, Juan shares: “The old stove was in poor conditions.  The new one is working great! We don’t use as much wood as befor. I do not have to buy wood often and the smoke goes outside so my wife no longer gets sick.”  The family has felt an improvement with their new latrine too, as the previous one was in poor condition.

Juan says, “Thank you all for our stove, our room and our latrine! We feel content with these products as they are improving our lives.”



María Gregorio – Home for a Home

María (43) is a single mother of five children, Marco (16), Magda (17), Modesto (14), Alex (11) and Marisol (2) living in the community of Chelam, San Sebastian, Department of Huehuetenango.

With the support of Home for a Home and Habitat Guatemala, the Gregorio family received an extra room, a smokeless stove, and a sanitary latrine. This helps them improve their living conditions by giving them a sleeping quarter,  proper sanitation and a smokeless free environment.

Before receiving their housing solutions, the family lived in a small room made from adobe brick walls, a dirt floor and metal corrugated sheet roofing. Next to the room they built a kitchen from nylon and cooked on open fire. “Our living conditions are much different now. My children and I no longer feel cold and the rain does not leak in our new room.”

Regarding their old stove, María shares: “I used to cook over an open flame. We consumed a lot of wood and the smoke made me feel sick. The new one is different as it uses less wood. We are able to cook all our meals at the same time and there is no more smoke inside!” Doña María explains that their old latrine was in poor conditions. “Now that we have a new latrine, we feel content and safe!”

María says to the donors: “Greetings to you all. We are thankful for your support.”



Juan Aguilar Family – Home for a Home

Marta (40) lives with her husband Juan (42) and their five children Rafael (16), Apolinario (12), Maricela (11), Juan (9) and Teresa (6), in the community of Sacchim, San Sebastian, Departament of Huehuetenango. Juan works in agriculture while Marta takes care of the children and weaves traditional clothes.

With the support of Home for a Home and Habitat Guatemala, the Aguilar family received a smokeless stove, a sanitary latrine and a concrete floor. These solution help improve the family’s health by providing them with proper sanitation and a smokeless free environment. The family wanted to get involoved in this project as they knew it was a great opportunity to help improve their quality of life.

Before receiving their housing solutions, the family used to live and cook in the same room. “I used to cook over an old stove that was in poor condition. It consumed much more wood which cost more money. The new one is different as it only uses half the amount of wood as the old one. We are able to cook all our meals at the same time. The tortillas taste good and we feel content with it!” says Doña Marta. In regards to the new latrine Doña Marta says, “Now that we have a new latrine we feel happy and safe.” The Gómez family reports an improvement with the concrete floors, especially during rainy season where the dirt floor is no longer a source of pollution inside their house.

Marta finishes by sharing a message to the donors: “Greetings to you and your family. Thank you for provinding us with these housing solutions. May God bless you.”



Marcos Mata – Home for a Home

Marcos (38) lives with his wife María (36) and their five children Ermelinda (16), Ana (14), Ingrid (12), Eduardo (8), and Mynor (6) in the community of Sacchim, San Sebastian, Departament of Huehuetenango. The entire family dedicates themselves to sewing traditional clothing.

With the support of Home for a Home and Habitat for Humanity Guatemala, Teresa’s family was provided with concrete flooring in the kitchen . When the family found out about this project, they were happy to participate as they found it was a great opportunity to improve their quality of life.

In regards to their previous floor Marcos reports, “We had been living with dirt flooring for over 16 years. It was very difficult the house became very dusty and muddy when it rained.” When asked how he feels about their new concrete floor, Marcos answers: “We are happy! It is better now for our health!”

Marcos finishes by sharing a message to the donors: “Greetings to all of you. Thank you for supporting us with our new concrete floor. We are very happy with it. Thank you!”



José Gómez Family – Home for a Home

Cecilia (38) lives with her husband José (38), their four children, Edgar (16), Glenda (15), Lidia (12), Danilo (8) and their grandmother Isabela (64) in the community of Sacchim, San Sebastian, Departament of Huehuetenango. José works in agriculture while Cecilia takes care of the children and household chores.

With the support of Home for a Home and Habitat for Humanity Guatemala, Cecilia’s family was provided with a concrete floor. The family was happy to participate in the project as they knew it was a great opportunity to improve their health.

Before applying the concrete floor in their house, Cecilia and her children explained that their old floor was made of dirt, “Our old dirt floor was uncomfortable and created a lot of dust. It made us cold too!”  When asked how she feels now with their new floor, she answers: “We feel happy because now there is no more dust and we can clean it easily. We also do not feel so cold anymore.”

The concrete floor has improvemented the lives of the Gomez family as the dirt floor is no longer a source of pollution inside their house.

Cecilia shares a message to the donors: “Greetings to you all and may God bless you! Thank you for your support.”



Gustavo Gómez Family – Home for a Home

Teresa (29) lives with her husband Gustavo (32) and their three children, Ninette (9), Kimberly (7) and Ever (2) in the community of Sacchim, San Sebastian in the departament of Huehuetenango. Gustavo works in agriculture  while Teresa takes care of the children and household chores.

With the support of Home for a Home and Habitat for Humanity Guatemala, Teresa’s family was provided with a concrete floor for the kitchen.

Teresa explains the disadvantages a a dirt floor, “It was very hard to keep it clean. There was a lot of dust and our children often got sick.” When asked, how she feels with the new concrete floor, she answers, “Good!  My children can play without getting sick and it is easy to clean!”

By receiving this concrete floor, the Gómez family has reported an improvement in their health as the  dirt floor is no longer a source of pollution inside their house.

Teresa shares a message to the donors: “To all the people involved in providing us with this solution, thank you! There are not many people like you who offer us such gifts. Thank you again!”