Habitat for Humanity Guatemala
For Habitat Guatemala, defending the cause translates to being the voice of people whose access to an adequate, safe house is outside their means. Moreover, it allows to spread the word of our mission in the country, allowing to reduce the Guatemalan housing deficit.
Today, HFHG has the widest reach and highest productivity of all of non-governmental housing programs working in Guatemala, with 3,000 housing solutions offered annually, providing shelter to more than 15,750 Guatemalans every year, and contributing to reducing the national housing deficit by 2.8%. To date, HFHG has built over 115,000 housing solutions for families in need. Our general fund helps us serve more families in need of an adequate housing solution.
Following the same goal of supporting families living in extreme poverty conditions with more tangible solutions, in 2019 HFHG created the Hybrid House program: providing families with four walls and a safe roof. The Hybrid Home is a two room home, built with a mix of traditional materials: adobe blocks, cement blocks and wood.
This solution is partially subsidized which means that beneficiary families are asked to contribute towards the cost of materials, provide unskilled labor such as preparing the adobe blocks, among other tasks.
Designed to improve the lives of Guatemala’s most vulnerable families, Healthy Home Kits consist of a smokeless stove, a water filter, and a latrine.
In 2017, Habitat Guatemala launched a campaign to help serve the most vulnerable families living in extreme poverty in Guatemala. These families would not otherwise be eligible to own a Habitat home due to their low levels of income, but are in difficult circumstances that Habitat Guatemala can improve.
Envisioned as a multi-year project, we will work year to year in order to identify families in the most impoverished areas of the country. The solutions that will be provided through the fund will be tailored to the specific circumstances and needs of each family.
Habitat Guatemala hopes to continue growing the vulnerable families fund through your generous partnership, which will allow us to serve more Guatemalan families in need.