Smokeless Stove: Odilia Noj

Doña Odilia lives with her husband Ramiro, and five children: Ramiro, Iris, Leydi, Aldri and Anthony in a small community called el Durazno, Chimaltenango. Doña Odilia takes care of the home and works in different houses doing laundry, while Ramiro works in the fields and takes care of their cows.  Ramiro Jr. helps taking care of the cows in the morning and in the afternoon he goes to school, the rest of the children also go to school, except little Anthony who will start attending next year.

Before receiving a Smokeless Stove, Odilia used to cook on a “pollo,” an open fire stove that she built herself. It caused her and her family different respiratory diseases and red eyes because of the smoke.

Odilia feels really happy and content because she says “I have never cooked in a stove like this, now I can prepare my tortillas really fast, and cook my food too, with less wood.  I am really thankful to God and the persons that helped us with this project,” she continues, “it was a really nice surprise!”

When asked about the day of construction, Odilia refers: “It was a really nice day, my children and I were really happy, it was a great blessing, she continues, “may God bless you all.”

“Thank you for thinking about us even though you live far away, we are looking forward to seeing you again, feel welcome here!” She continues, “every day I thank God for the stove and send prayers for you all.”

Smokeless Stove: Ana Ixlaj

Doña Ana lives with her husband Eduardo (27), their three children Eduardo (8) Mynor (6), Wimer (1 year), and three more relatives in a small community called El Durazno, Chimaltenango. While she takes care of her home and family, Eduardo works in the fields.

Ana used to cook on an open fire stove called, “pollo”, which made her and her children sick because of the smoke, especially baby Wilmer who was suffering from severe respiratory diseases.

“I feel much content with my stove, it is the first stove I have in my life,” she continues, “we also save a lot of wood with it, I have enough space to prepare my tortillas and the rest of our food at the same time!”

When asked about the volunteers, Ana recalls: “It was a great day, we all worked really hard, they were very fun! We still remember them, they left a coin on it, but one of the neighbors kid took it to play with it.”

“Thank you for building my stove, thanks to the volunteers and Habitat staff, it has improved our life a lot. May God bless you all, I may not be able to pay you back, but God will.”

The García Family

Nora Melgar, lives with her husband José, and children María (6) Emy (4), Nury (2) in their new Habitat home in Alotenango, Chimaltenango.  Daniel works in a hotel and Nora is a teacher.

Before partnering with Habitat Guatemala, the family used to live in Nora’s mom house, where they did not have enough space “we wanted a more comfortable place for our own,” says Nora.

Nora found out about Habitat Guatemala programs, through one of her students, who owns a house.  And after learning about the easy access credits and procedures, Daniel and Nora decided to start building a place to call home!

When asked about how she feels with her house, she expresses: “I feel very happy! First, I want to give thanks to God and thanks to Habitat for helping us. My husband constantly says that he still cannot believe that we would have a house of our own ever,” she continues, “In Habitat it is an easy application process, and we are thankful because they have given us better opportunities, I can happily say that we are paying for something that will last, for something of our own.”

The family is planning to have a big garden, Nora loves flowers!!  And in the future, they are planning to paint the house “because we love to draw on the walls,” says little María as she is playing around in the house, they also want to add a second story.

About the volunteers and the week that they shared together building, Nora says: “They were really nice and fun, hard workers too, they had really tough work to do, digging a lot! But still did it with energy and dedication.”

“May God bless you all, not all people give help as you do to people in need, and here in Guatemala, there are plenty (in need). Thank you for your support!!” says Nora.

Miguel Cristal Family

Evelyn (20) and Miguel (23) are now living in their new Habitat home in the department of Chimaltenango.  Miguel works as a salesman and Evelyn is a nurse.

Evelyn and Miguel dated for two years, and when they got engaged they decided it was time to buy a house and start their own family. On January 19th, 2019, they got married and moved into their new home!

Miguel’s mom Doña Juliana, explained that after her son learned about Habitat Guatemala through a local newspaper, both sets of parents sat down with their children and started the application process.

When asked about how they feel with their new home Evelyn says: “We feel very happy and grateful to God and Habitat,” she continues: “In the future, we want to add a garden and a little path to walk on.”

Doña Juliana explains that the entire family treasures all the memories and time shared with the volunteers:  “They were of great help and a big blessing. They helped the masons and played with the cousins too!” she continues, “they are really nice people!”

“Every day I thank God for each volunteer that came to help us, may God bless you. Thank you for your support!”

Evelyn shares: “I am very grateful with every volunteer, your help was of big impact and helping finish our house sooner”.


Thelma Tum Family

Thelma lives with her daughters Jazmín (4) and Ingrid (3) and her husband Danny, who recently returned from working in Canada, in their new Habitat home in the department of Chimaltenango.

Before building their new house, Thelma and her family used to live with her parents: “We were living with my parents in a small room for the four of us. We did not have enough space, and my girls wanted to have their own space to play.”

They learned about our programs through Thelma’s sister who already owns a Habitat house. “We did not have enough resources to pay for our own house. That was one of the reasons my husband went to Canada to work and pay for it,”  explains Thelma.

When asked how she feels about her new house, she answers: “I feel really happy. It was our dream and now it is a reality.”  She continues: “with my husband, we are at home, and feel calm and can enjoy.” The family is planning to add a big garden and paint the house in the future.

About the volunteers, she says: “I remember the volunteers a lot because they worked really hard. I was very happy to receive them and share with them.” Thelma continues: “They were really fun and never got tired.”

Thelma sends the volunteers a special message: “Thank you very much for your help, we are very happy with our house! I encourage you to keep on helping and may God bless you.”

Elida Picón Family

Marleni lives with her baby, Guadalupe (1), her parents, María and Abel, and her two sisters, Zaira and Elida, in their new Habitat home in the department of El Progreso. They used to live in a finca, a farm, and Abel was the administrator. The family was unsure of how long they would be allowed to live on the farm. This meant that their primary motivation to build a new home was to have a stable place to live.

When they learned about Habitat Guatemala’s programs on the internet, they knew that this was a way to make their dream a reality.

When Marleni starts talking about how she feels in her new home, her joy is obvious.  “We feel very happy and content. We are grateful to God and Habitat Guatemala for their support,” she continues; “In the future we are planning to paint it (our home) and add rod-iron details to the windows.”

Marleni has a message she would like to share with the volunteers who helped them build their home, “Thank you so much for your support. May God bless you for all of your help. We always remember you and the week we spent together.”

Sara Rodríguez Family

(Pictured Sara and her niece, who constantly visits her)

The Carrillo family is currently living in their new Habitat home in the department of El Progreso. Sara (25), works as a waiter in a local restaurant and her husband, Axel (32), is a retailer at a local store. When we visited their family we learned that it is about to grow in numbers, the young couple is expecting their first baby girl!

Sara and Axel were still dating, and planning to get married, when she found out about Habitat Guatemala’s programs through a local fair. Sara explains their situation, “First our house and then our marriage… now we are ready to start our family!”

“I am so happy and very content to have my own space. It is a great achievement for me!” explains Sara about how she feels about her home. She continues to explain their plans for the future, “I want to paint it and in the future add more rooms. I like to cook, spend time with my husband and listen to music too.”

As for the family’s experience with the volunteers Sara says, “They liked to share a lot of time with us. We made great memories with them when we walked around our neighborhood.” She continues, “thank you very much for your support, I will always carry you in my heart and mind. Feel welcome whenever you want to come back.”

Sury Reyes Family

Sury and her family are happy to be living in their new Habitat Guatemala home in the department of El Progreso.  Before getting married Sury and her husband, Elder, decided to build their home to live together. The couple has one child, James (4), and they have a second baby on the way!

They found out about Habitat Guatemala’s programs and made their dream of having a house of their own a reality. “We decided it was time to start our life together and pay for something of our own,” says Sury.

When asked about how he feels about her home she explains, “ I feel happy. When you start a family it is really hard to build a house of your own and have all of the necessary things, but we made a decision and now it is a reality. We worked together and we did it!”

In the future, the Hidalgo family is planning to add tiles to the floor and paint it too. They enjoy spending time in their house, playing with James, and listening to music.

Sury and her mother, Berta, loved having volunteers come and work with them.  “The volunteers were really funny and worked really really hard, even though it was hot and the soil was hard to dig!” explains Berta. “If it was not for their help we would have taken longer to dig the trenches! Thank you all for your support. We are looking forward to receive you all here in the future. Please always feel welcome to visit us!” says Sury.