Living in an Adobe House

Hanging things on the wall was out of the question – the wall would have crumbled with any attempt at nailing something into it. For María’s family, that was one of the disadvantages of living in an adobe house. She notes that her old adobe house had become humid, because the adobe had started to soak up all the water from the ground, leaving the interior of the house in a constant state of dampness. And aside from the uncomfort and inconvenience of it all, there was a big security factor involved. After all, adobe is dried mud, but when it’s wet mud, it doesn’t hold.

“I was nervous for an earthquake,” says María. “It was a litte said to live there. The adobe wasn’t secure.”

Harboring that worry in the back of your mind is taxing and unsettling. Even more unsettling is when your worry turns into a reality.

November 7, 2012. A 7.4-magnitude earthquake rocks western part of Guatemala, destroying thousands of homes from Huehuetenango to Quetzaltenango to San Marcos. The first homes to give way: those that were adobe. Those that didn’t crumble were left standing with severe cracks, leaving homeowners worried that another tremor would finish the job.
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Soila and Manuel woke up in the middle of the night because of the shaking. Their adobe house didn’t crumble, but it left a huge crack in the back of the house. They were left restless and unassured of the its stability. Would there be another tremor? How much damage did the house actually suffer? These were the questions that kept Soila and Manuel up at night…until they got their Habitat house.

Habitat Guatemala is addressing these issues. There are 1.8 million houses to be made in order for everyone to live in an adequate home. Many of these homes need to be built in the countryside, where a huge amount of families live in adobe houses in varying conditions. María and her family are also safe and sound in a Habitat house, but many of her neighbors in Cantel, Quetzaltenango are still living in humble adobe abodes. It is our mission to provide access for these low-income families to have an adequate and affordable home.

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A Full Week as a Volunteer

The St. Louis College of Pharmacy came to Guatemala on a special trip that counted for college credits. Want to know what a trip is like? Check it out below!

January 5


After 2 plane rides, a night in Guatemala City, and a 4 hour bus ride, we finally made it to our hotel in Retalhuleu, Guatemala! During our bus ride, we were able to see several volcanos towering over the forests through the window.

Perhaps the best part of our day was meeting with the families whose homes we will be building. The first family was represented by Olga, the mother of an 11 year old daughter and two adorable 18 month old twin boys. Currently, this family of 5 lives in Olga’s mother’s house under very crammed conditions…

Read the full post here.

January 6

We report to you today with sore muscles and a bit of a suntan. If you couldn’t guess it, today was our first day on site! We started off our day by eating breakfast at the hotel. Our meal consisted of two eggs, each topped with different colored salsas, which we later learned was a dish that the Guatemalans call the “divorced eggs.”

At the work site where Olga’s house is being built, the foundation had been previously laid and the team primarily worked on preparing rebar and cinder blocks for the next step in the construction process. Besides this, the team also filled in many trenches along the work grounds with dirt and leveled the work site in order to continue at the site tomorrow. At the other work site building Selvian’s house, the team is currently working on laying the foundation, so they spent most of their time tying rebar as well as moving multiple loads of gravel and cinder blocks in preparation for the foundation that is soon to come…

Read the full post here

January 7


After breakfast, we mixed up the work teams from yesterday and headed to our sites. There, we attempted new skills or built upon skills learned yesterday and had the opportunity to interact with a new family. After mixing a lot cement, moving a lot of bricks, and tying a lot of rebar we went back to the hotel for lunch. The hotel has offered a great mix of cultural foods and American foods for us.

Tonight, we had two special moments. The first came when one of our team leaders, Ronnie shared a story of why he decided to dedicate his life to volunteering. He told us a story of visiting Guatemala and how 5 US dollars helped saved a family friend. That was the moment he decided to make real change in the life of others. Our second special moment came when we were able to see local kids and adults play in band performance right outside the hotel (pictured above). Although we were all tired from our day of work, we couldn’t help but smile at these talented and passionate kids. Those are the moments we’ll remember when asked about this trip; those are the memories we came to make…

Read the full post here

January 8


Another day of work accomplished! We started our day with breakfast at the hotel (and coffee, of course). Our morning devotion, shared by Jocelyn, encouraged us all to “Either find a way or make one.” This trip is all about learning to solve new problems and dis covering new ways of thinking.

The work is definitely not easy, but very rewarding. Getting the chance to interact with the families makes all of our hard work worth it. We then headed back to the hotel for lunch. Here, we enjoyed sandwiches, fries, and a traditional Guatemalan hibiscus juice. Back at the worksite, one team got the chance to observe a traditional Guatemalan funeral procession. The whole neighborhood gathered for this…

Read the full post here

January 9


Work hard, play hard is a perfect motto to sum up our team’s day. We began our Saturday with breakfast and a very meaningful biblical devotion from Luke 10:25-37. It stressed the importance of loving your neighbor as yourself even when it is not convenient for you. This was a perfect reminder of our purpose along with Habitat for Humanity’s purpose here in Guatemala.
With this message in mind, along with our work gloves and water bottles in hand, we loaded up in the vans for another day’s work. This day was a little different from the others…it was cut short for a trip to the beach! Although it was hot, pouring cement and tying rebar seemed to go much quicker with views of the ocean in the near.

To top the day off we ended with a trip to a local turtle conservation area. Although the main hatching season is from July to December and no turtles were present, it was still an interesting sight to see. We were all fascinated by the amount of impact this organization had on the turtle population…they alone helped save over 4,000 turtles this season!
With our sunburnt skin and bellies full, we all left the beach and headed back to the hotel. As usual, we ended the night with a delicious dinner and card games to follow. We all plan to get a good night’s rest as another busy day awaits…

Read the full post here

January 10


Sunday Funday!  The day started with some members of our team heading to mass. At breakfast, we were happily joined by Ronnie’s family. Per usual, we started our day with a devotion lead by Matthew, which encouraged us to practice empathy.

Our first stop of the day was the Tak Alik Abaj Mayan ruins, where Ronnie translated the entire tour from Spanish to English for the group. Although only 8% of the ruins are completely excavated, we were able to tour parts of the city where most business and prayers was conducted. A few facts we learned today were:
1. The Mayans held the sun in high esteem during prayer. Even homes of important people faced the direction of the rising Sun in the East.

2. The jaguar was an animal that symbolised power to the Mayans, and jade was a symbol of both power and prestige.

3. There were no metal tools during this time, so the stone carvings and hieroglyphics were made with other stones.

4. The world’s oldest Mayan burial site is dated back to a location we were able to see and it was believed to date back to 700 B.C….

Read the full post here

January 11


Back to work today! Instead of splitting into two teams as usual, all members of the team went to one site. This was to move cinder blocks from one side of the site to the other so the masons coils build up the walls. Although moving blocks sounds easy, it proved to be the ultimate team building adventure. We formed a long line and passed the blocks down one by one. This process would go on for quite a few hours (with breaks, of course). After we moved blocks at one site, we moved all the blocks at the other site as well. With aching muscles and dirty clothes, we packed into the vans and headed back to the hotel.

Dinner was a lovely display of stuffed chicken and mashed potatoes. Afterwards, the group had a discussion on empathy, altruism, and justice. However, the main lesson of the day and of most of this trip proved to be teamwork. Without the help of our peers, we could never have accomplished the almost impossible task of moving literally tons of cinder blocks and to help build these houses…

Read the full post here

January 12


To get back to our hotel, we decided to use these very small cars called “tu tics.” They were red and could only hold about three people. To me, they looked and sounded like go-karts. These vehicles are a very common mode of transportation around this city. Riding them was a fun experience. After our trip from the market, we all stood with one of the drivers and took a picture (picture above).

During our discussion after dinner, we talked about how we use every ounce of life out of the tools we are given on the job sites. From tying chicken wire around bolt cutters instead of buying new ones to using the back side of a machete instead of a sharp hatchet, the tools we use are important and we find ways to keep using them as best as we can. In America, labor is more expensive than the tools, but down here, the tools are a much greater expense. Lastly, we talked about the importance of empathizing with patients and how we should not take their frustration for face value. Every person fights their own battles. Therefore, as professionals we should respect them and attempt to understand our patients’ actions from their points of view.

Read the full post here

January 13


If there is one thing that has become overwhelmingly obvious over the course of this trip, it’s that each and every one of us loves nothing more than getting some sleep. We appreciate our rest so much that most of us practically inhale our lunches in a matter of minutes just to make some time for a quick siesta before heading back to the worksite! Because it’s true that we cherish every moment in bed, we were all overjoyed that we got the chance to sleep in an extra hour this morning. At breakfast, Alexa led the devotional and shared the following Maya Angelou quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I think this quote really hit home for many of us; the conversations we have with the families we are working with will not be something they remember for the rest of their lives (because most of a speak more Spanglish than we do Spanish). However, what I truly hope will last a lifetime is the mutual feeling of love and respect that can be felt between us, the families, and the masons.

Read the full post here

January 14


All good things must come to an end. As we all woke to the usual hustle and bustle of Retalhuleu and headed to breakfast, there was a sense of sorrow that filled the air. We all knew today was the last day on the sites with the crews and families to whom we had grown so close. We divided up into teams per usual and headed off for our final day of work.

The ceremony consisted of the masons thanking us for our hard work over these past two weeks and then members of our team giving them signs and bibles for their new homes. Mary Lou and Mathew then took the stage and presented photos of the team as well as paper hearts all signed by the team members to Selvian and Olga. The hearts will be place in the wall of the house to let the families know we will always be with them and the are never alone while the photos will give them something to look at and remember these great two weeks we shared. Then, the local affiliates surprised us all by calling us up individually and giving each of us personalized wooden plaques that where hand made and engraved with our names and Mayan artwork.

Read the full post here






Celebrating 75,000 in Photos!

This last week, two hundred volunteers, employees, and partners celebrated a great landmark for Habitat for Humanity Guatemala: our 75,000th housing solution. People came from as far as Massachusetts, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and Chile to support the provision of adequate housing here in Guatemala. Scattered in and around Tecpán, a small city nestled among endless mountains, we split up into teams to build 13 houses, 21 latrines, and 28 smokeless stoves.

Pounding Palettes: Latrine Construction

On the first day, many groups tackled latrines, dismantling old palettes in an effort to salvage wood and reduce the cost for the latrine owners.

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Smokeless Stoves 101

Day two was all about smokeless stoves. Everyone went to the village of San Jose Poaquil,

girl stove a small farming community, to help improve families’ health by eliminating the smoke that lingers inside the kitchens. One volunteer group saw the reason for the improved stove right off the bat:

They came to the home of Doña María and her husband Hugo to help build a smokeless stove. Doña Erika and her family introduced themselves and so did the volunteers. Only a minute later, the conversation was interrupted by a yelp from Doña Erika’s 2-year-old daughter, who had just grabbed the lid of a searing pot of water boiling over an open flame. The cooking area was made of about eight cement blocks with a little area for firewood underneath. The pot was only a foot and a half off the ground. Not an ideal height with curious children around.

“Sometimes you bump into it,” said Doña María, “and you burn yourself. The kids sometimes grab it, not knowing if team with doña maríait’s hot. Usually it’s only a finger but it still hurts when you burn yourself.”

Her new stove is big, about three by five feet. It uses less firewood than her current little cooking area because of its its insulation. Its edges are safe to the touch of a playful two-year-old, and the hot cooking area is out of reach.

At left, the new stove, nearing completion.


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And a few more memories:

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Habitat for Innovation

Habitat Guatemala has been constructing homes for more than 30IMG_4552 edit small years, improving design details so that houses are more sustainable, easier to clean and maintain, and affordable. Our model has always utilized cement block walls, but on this week of celebration, we are shaking things up. Our architects have introduced a model of housing that uses metal framing with pre-manufactured cement paneling instead of cement blocks. The model is equally priced, but it’s said to be sturdier. We symbolically used housing solution 75,001 as a test for the house in Tecpán.

National Volunteers

This week, a bunch of national volunteers from here in Guatemala helped out. One group from Hotel Intercontinental in Guatemala City helped to build two houses side by side for two sisters. Thanks for your hard work, everyone!IMG_4464 edit small


Humble Volunteering

waltWalt is a constructor. In fact, he’s owned his own construction business for 18 years back in the United States. But during his volunteer time in Guatemala, he prefers to keep that a secret, limiting his leadership as he takes direction from the lead mason, a Habitat Guatemala employee. He tells the story as he smooths cement with evident experience.

“I try not to tell anybody,” says Walt. “Because they do things differently here, and I don’t want to be the one in charge. Here, I’m just volunteering.”

It must be said, though, that their stove progressed quite quickly and came out looking beautiful. Thanks, everyone! IMG_4706 edit

The 75,000th Celebration

To celebrate the 75,000th housing solution, we threw a party, and everyone was invited. Volunteers, employees, international Habitat affiliates, and even the neighbor kids were invited. (Or maybe the kids invited themselves? Either way, we loved sharing the cake!)

All the international volunteers for the week. You all rock!

All the international volunteers for the week. You all rock!

A big shout out to our international volunteers who came out for the week! Thanks everyone!

And finally, our 75,000th family, who gave a moving speech.

IMG_4947 edit smallMost memorably, she said: “I hope to continue volunteering soon. The mission of Habitat is to change humanity. It’s changed mine. It’s changed Daniel’s. And in the same way it’s change ours, I hope to continue changing lives as well.”

The new house was fixed up with a ramp in the back yard so that Daniel, who is blind, would not have trouble tripping down stairs. Also, they were presented with a Braille Bible so that Daniel may have access to read it.

Thanks to everyone for a hugely successful week, and let’s continue working to provide opportunities to families in Guatemala! Check out opportunities to volunteer with us or advance our mission from afar.


Volunteer: The Women’s Build

22631732941_6758a6dacd_kIn October, we did a special volunteer home build. It was an exploration of women’s issues in Guatemala and how they relate to building homes. The 10-day experience was a huge success, partially because volunteers were able to experience daily Guatemalan life and go deeper into what that really means.

Here’s what team leader Tina Godfrey has to say:

“I highly recommend the “Women’s Build” which gave the team the opportunity to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the culture and background of the families we were helping. Being invited into their homes, dining and talking with members of the families and cooperatives,  team members felt a far deeper connection, making the trip  more rewarding. During evening discussions on culture, history,  politics and the economy the team shared their own insights and observations and were able to ask questions of the locals adding further perspective and understanding.  Despite the language and cultural barriers a mutual respect quickly emerged and it was soon apparent that a universal desire for peace and for our children to flourish transcends all  barriers. Small acts of kindness and cooperation build trust. The quiet dignity and persistence of the hardworking people of Guatemala who warmly welcomed us into their lives inspired and touched us all.  We finished the week with renewed perspective and thankfulness.”


Want to build with us? Check out our upcoming builds in December, January, and February. Note that our January build is special as well, themed around growing coffee.

Understanding the Struggle in the Aftermath of a Landslide

Update January 25, 2016:

We are putting together a volunteer response team to build a new house for one of the families affected by the disaster. See the event and sign up here. More details to come!

Update January 14, 2016:

As of January 2016, Habitat for Humanity Guatemala has been authorized to buy 10 plots of land for 10 families who lost their homes in the landslide. Habitat Guatemala has been working closely with families, community leaders, other non-governmental organizations, and the Guatemalan government to restore livelihoods as soon as possible. We are very eager for these families to be living in their own homes again. To find out how you can help in this process, send an email to our development team at

On the first of October, a tragic landslide destroyed or threatened 200 homes, and left nearly 450 people without a place to stay. The disaster affected the town of El Cambray, right outside of Guatemala City, the capital. Many people were forced say a sad farewell to their family members, as nearly 300 died in the incident. How does Habitat Guatemala respond to disaster?

Part of the tragedy of the situation is that the families were warned of danger – but few heeded the warnings. Why? A major issue is at play:

There is an affordable housing deficit.

That is to say, residents of El Cambray had nowhere else to go. Most residents probably could not have afforded to rent or own another home. At Habitat for Humanity, we’re working to reduce the housing deficit.

A lack of funds paired with overpopulation and a housing deficit often forces people to live in areas that are not ideal. In the area around Guatemala City, there is sparce flat land for constructing homes. It’s not very hospitable for large quantities of housing, but that doesn’t stop people from taking the risk to build their houses on the slopes of the hills, where property is cheaper. Or in the case of El Cambray, the village was located in a gulley between two steep hills, a prime spot for landslides.

Guatemalan sprawlPeople continue flooding into Guatemala City, above, from other parts of the country in hopes that they may escape poverty – or find any job at all. Often, they end up compromising their safety for cheaper housing by living on the side of a slope.

But now that so many people from El Cambray have lost their homes and their village has officially been deemed uninhabitable, where do they go? What do they do?

In the aftermath of the situation, Habitat for Humanity is working together with local organizations and the Guatemalan government to help restore housing for the 450 people. As of late November, we are currently in the process of buying plots of land and equipping them with water and electricity services.

Fortunately, the Guatemalan government has also responded to the situation by setting aside 20 million Quetzales, or 2.6 million US dollars.

Guatemala is considered one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change and natural disasters. Habitat for Humanity helps reduce the risks that disasters pose by using the highest grade cement block paired with earthquake-resistant designs. Learn more here.

Top 5 Reasons Families Apply for a New Home

Migdalia Godinez Gómez and baby Wilson stand in front of their old house whose walls had been cracked by a 2012 earthquake.

Migdalia Godinez Gómez and baby Wilson stand in front of their old house whose walls had been cracked by a 2012 earthquake.

We have an ongoing relationship with the families we work with. For example, promoters in every region are assigned to work with a family from the start of their application process until their move-in day, supporting them along the way with necessary paperwork and legal processes. As a part of that relationship, we also visit each family that has worked with a volunteer group after they’ve moved in to their new housing. We hear their about their experience from start to finish, including stories about working alongside the volunteers.

One of the most revealing questions we ask is, “Why did you decide to apply for a new home?”

We’ve compiled a list of the most common answers, in ascending order.

5. “The adobe was humid”

Over time, adobe houses become old and weak. This process is expedited when the house doesn’t get much air flow, or when the walls are consistenly exposed to rain. Many times, you can visibly see the moisture’s progress on its way from the ground on old houses. This slow structural doom creates a serious security risk.

4. “We feared another earthquake would topple the house”

This one is more regional. In the last few years, a number of earthquakes have rattled Guatemala, including a really strong one in 2012. Since then, families have lived in adobe homes that have severe cracks and structural damage. The majority of these cases happen around the departments of Quetzaltenango, Sololá, and especially San Marcos.

Another notable fact is that after the 2012 earthquake, Guatemala’s national government offered new housing to many people whose homes were destroyed, but their promise was unfulfilled in many cases.

3. “The roof leaked water”

The majority of roofs in Guatemalan houses is made with corrugated galvanized steel. It’s cheap, not hard to install, and you can overlap sheets easily to direct the rain away from the house. The problem is that, in time, it deteriorates with rust and holes. And it’s not fun to wake up to a roof that’s dripping on you in the middle of a night.

2. “There was no space”

Families grow. And more often than not, “there was no space” also means “five of us were sharing a bedroom,” or in some cases, “five of us were sharing a bed.” And when there’s a young couple with one child and another on the way, sharing one bedroom isn’t ideal.

1. “We wanted a house of our own”

Overwhelmingly, families respond to this question by saying they wanted something of their own. Often times, young couples live with in-laws in an extra bedroom, and they don’t feel independent. Other times, families rent apartments but expensive monthly rent and property rules make them feel suppressed. Having the keys to a house and the liberty to come and go as you please makes all the difference. Even if they didn’t make monthly payments before, across the board, families say vale la pena. It’s worth it.

You may be interested:

Overcoming a hurricane: The Guadalupe Ardon Family

We build much more than houses!

Be a part of the change for healthy and adequate housing!

10 Reasons I Loved Working With Habitat Guatemala

By Makensie Brown– Communications Coordinator

This is certainly not the first time that I’ve proclaimed I love my job, but as I’m preparing to leave Guatemala for my next adventure I can’t help but reflect on the time I have spent with Habitat: I am certain that I made the right choice to come to Guatemala and work for Habitat.

This past year I have worked as the Profiles Manager and Communications Coordinator for Habitat Guatemala. I was in charge of visiting the families that our volunteers work with during their Global Village trips once they are in their new homes. I ask the family about their new home and how the house is impacting their lives. I then send a profile to the volunteers that includes their story and photos of the completed home. Another main task of mine while at Habitat Guatemala was to manage the social media and other publications that we send out.

With every task that I completed over this past year I intended to support a bigger cause: the effort to provide every Guatemalan with a dignified home. Although I hope to have had even the tiniest of impact, I am certain that this experience impacted me in a greater manner. I am so thankful for this opportunity I was given and its reassurance that I want to continue using my personal passions to support others. Below are only ten of the reasons that I have grown to love my job with Habitat over the last year:

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset1) My co-workers

They have welcomed me as family over this past year and for that I couldn’t be more grateful. They have helped me comprehend more of the situation in Guatemala and how we can address it. They have been by my side when I’ve learned to dance salsa and play soccer. They all stop to warmly greet me no matter how busy they are. I genuinely enjoy their company and I have grown to appreciate the friendships I have developed.

2) Our families

Our families are truly some of the kindest souls I have ever had the pleasure of holding a conversation with. Not only do they welcome us into their homes, but they are genuinely grateful for the assistance we give them. I’ve been given gifts, been asked to be in photos, but more importantly had received some of the best hugs ever from these warm people.

3) I got to know some of the most beautiful places I have ever seen

Typically on my way to visit families I am able to  see volcanoes,  beautiful lakes and waterfalls, and rolling green hills. I’ve visited one of our community gardens in Canaque –  it is one of the most difficult places to travel to, yet one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Little by little I have become familiar with all of the beauty that Guatemala has to offer.

Processed with VSCOcam with x1 preset4) I was able to do what I love

From designing calendars to photographing “handing over the keys ceremonies,” I have been able to indulge both of my artistic passions. Designing and photographing are two of my most favorite things in the world and I was able to do them every day –in a manner that supported others – how lucky am I?

5) I was constantly learning

From new Spanish words to history about Guatemala, I have learned so many valuable lessons on a daily basis. To me this is crucial to my growth because up until now I have been in school, and therefore a learning atmosphere, my whole life. I have never desired to be standstill, and because of the lessons I learned with Habitat I was able to continue working on becoming a better and a more aware individual.

6) I had a purpose

Before arriving to Guatemala my whole life was essentially about me. I went to school to get a degree, to get a good job, to take care of myself. I traveled for myself and focused on my goals. Now I feel as though my purpose over this last year was geared towards helping others. I was a part of a team that was able to make a difference in the lives of others – and for this reason I felt and feel valuable.

7) I didn’t have stress in my life

Although there will always be the occasional situation to make one worried, I can honestly say that my job wasn’t one that made me anxious. I find that my position is a perfect combination between being encouraged to work hard all while feeling motivated and comfortable. 

8) I was constantly challengedProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Some days I wasn’t able to understand a Spanish conversation or I was tested culturally – and I found this exhilarating. Every day was something new and it encouraged me to step outside of my box and learn from each situation that I was put in.

9) I had creative freedom

Habitat is a very well established organization, but there was still freedom with the position that I had. I feel as though I was able to contribute to the growth of our team. I made suggestions and attemped new things in order to benefit the overall outcome of the work that we did.

10) I’m happy

As this chapter is coming to an end, I can say that I am so content with where I am at in my life – the happiest I believe I have ever been. This is much due in part to the fact that I enjoyed my daily tasks and the work that I was able to do. For this I’m thankful that I found such a wonderful opportunity.kensie3

So as I sit content with how the past year has gone I can’t help but to feel as though I have been a part of something wonderful. Although I am closing this chapter with Habitat Guatemala, I know that it is only the beginning of my involment with Habitat. I desire to continue supporting such a wonderful organization with such drive and impact.

So thank you to all who have been apart of my Habitat journey in one way or another – I hope that Habitat has blessed your life as much as it has blessed mine. 

What a Tuesday

By Ronnie  Chinchilla – Global Village Field Coordinator

6:00 A.M. – Got up business as usual a little early but we will survive.

6:30 A.M. – Breakfast with the team typical Guatemalan food. No better way to start the day then with fried plantains!

7:00 A.M. – Traveled to work site.

8:00 A.M. – Decided to take a detour on the way to the job site, stopped at a local Guatemalan grade school and threw an impromptu assembly together. The kids were so excited to see us, 200 kids to 12 volunteers no biggie. Playing, singing and a dance battle!


Untitled29:15 A.M. – Duty calls, ran over to work site to help our family with the concrete for the foundation of their house. Duties included wheel barrowing material from one place to place, passing buckets of concrete as part of a 10 person bucket brigade, shoveling, cracking jokes etc….

12:00 P.M. – Lunch with team, Oh! Wait! What’s that guy doing 40 ft up a tree? Mangos, you say! Well thanks mister, yes I would love to have one! Can anyone say fresh fruit!

12:30 P.M. – Back to work its more pushing, shoveling and passing, our team is kicking butt! Well have this house finished in no time!

3:00 P.M. – Quitting time! Everyone pile into the van we have a beach to get to!

Untitled64:00 P.M. – Made it to the beach! Time to jump in and cool off from this heat.

6:30 P.M. – Dinner next the ocean! Fresh sea food, Ceviche my

7:00 P.M. – On the road to the hotel to get some sleep it’s been a long day.Untitled7

7:30 P.M. – Back at hotel for some much needed rest, it is only Tuesday! Three days of building left!