Cintia Cardona
Cinthia Cardona lives in Chimaltenango with her granddaughter Ashley (5). Prior to building her home she lived in a small room with her daughter. “Everybody needs their own space, I needed it to improve and feel better,” says Cinthia.
Her sister built a house with the help of Habitat Guatemala, which is how she learned about their projects and decided to build her own house! “I feel happy, I have my own space, I can welcome everybody I want, read the Bible, listen to music…” Lucia expresses. “I am planning on adding a nice floor, and concrete fence around the house.”
“I remember the volunteers who came and worked really hard. They were really funny and they played with Ashley,” she continued. “May God bless each one of you, in wherever you may find yourself. You are welcome here whenever you want to come back. We made some memories that will never fade away.”