Norma Miculash Family

Norma Miculash, her husband Javier and children, Haniel, Jose Juan and Amaya live in the town of Buena Vista, Chimaltenango. Norma is a homemaker and sells beauty products from her home, while Javier sells goods in the Market in Antigua.
Norma and Javier were gifted the land they now live on by Norma’s mother. A few months later, they came across Habitat “we learned what requirements were needed,” and the couple decided to build their house.
“Before we lived in my mother’s house but there were more than twelve of us, and we needed our own space for our family. My brothers have their shop adjacent to the house, so it didn’t have the privacy we needed for our family.” “Here” she says, speaking of her new house, “we feel much more at peace.” As they have settled into their home, there are many things they enjoy about the new place. As their family grows, their dream is to add a second story, paint the house, add a little garden and to plant some seeds.
When asked about the group who helped them build, Norma smiled, “we remember the volunteers very well, they came for a week, almost everyone who came were related through family, or through church.” she shares. “My husband and I are so grateful for you and for the work of your hands. It’s something that not everyone does; you came to lift your hands and to do a work that many others would not do,” says Norma.
Norma also shares that her family received a rather unexpected gift from the volunteers. Her son, Jose has delayed motor functions. One of the volunteers, a pastor, connected Norma and her family to a church organization that sponsored Juan’s doctor’s fees to cover physical therapy sessions. As a result, they keep to regularly scheduled visits, rather than having to delay his visits as they did before receiving this help. Norma speaks with optimist as she holds back tears, touched by the gesture of help for improving her son’s health. “We are so grateful for you.” She says, “how can we ever forget you.”