Planting Dreams and Improving Homes
Calanté is a small community located in the Highlands of Uspantán, Quiché. The population consists of 64 families who mostly dedicate their time to agriculture.
In 2017, alongside América Solidaria Foundation Habitat for Humanity Guatemala, implemented its Family Gardens Project with 41 families. Our aim is to contribute to food and nutritional assurance, through the strengthening of productive, nutritional and social capacities of the community in a period of three years.
Since most of Calanté homes are built in precarious conditions with wood and leaking metal sheets, the families suffer from different diseases caused by low cold temperatures. Most recently, we started a small project which consists in the implementation of vinyl covers on their walls and transparent roofing materials in order to combat the cold and other weather variations, giving a new use to vinyl covers that have been donated to us.
It is Habitat Guatemala’s hope that these changes will prevent respiratory diseases and discourage unhealthy housing practices, which will ultimately lead to families having a safe and healthy environment to inhabit.